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RTC - release records ??

What does RTC provide in the form of a "Release Record".
We are starting to migrade users from a customized Remedy ARS which they were using to create their change requests, Release records etc... Release Records in that system was a list of change requests that went into a release.
I'm trying to define the "equivent" data in RTC.
One answer


Thats a bit of a round about way to tell you what when into a release isn't it?
Bascially what management wants is a report that says Release 1.2.3 has the following changes - story 123 and 234, defect 345, task 777. Like what you'd find in release notes.
RTC has various plans including release plan and timelines, some/one of which has a "Release" checkbox. There are also snapshots and baselines and if your using the build engine/results theres a "this is a release" checkbox there. It is not clear to us on what transpires when you select one of these checkboxes.
I have not yet delved into the details of the various RTC functions to see where we can pull this data but it should be easy to get.

Suppose this is release-15. Do you want all work items that are implemented in this release (i.e. since the first release), or do you want all work items since release-14. Or do you want all work items since the last bug-fix release, e.g. release-14.5 ? RTC makes it easy for you to say what your basis for comparison is. And if you have one of these in mind, just package the "compare" request in a simple script, and the users will not know that what specific operations are being performed to get them the info.
WRT the "Release" checkbox, that says whether or not you can use that iteration as a value in the "planned for" field (you probably want to read over the on-line documentation, where this is documented).