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RTC Cross Project Reporting

Glenn Watkins (88347) | asked Oct 06 '15, 8:01 a.m.

We are using RTC V 5.0

We have an environment where we have multiple individual projects set up across the business, work items are moved in and out of project areas as they transition through the SDLC.

The team leads / managers want a "productivity" report on work items that have passed through their specific individual project area over a certain time period. Can anyone guide me in the set up of this report?

Thanking you in advance

Accepted answer

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Oct 06 '15, 12:57 p.m.
 I recommend to upgrade to at least 5.0.2 and use JRS. Its realy a great option we got this year from UBM fir exactly this job.

Otherwise with BIRT or RPE you can access the data over PA borders to fulfill your needs. But specialty BIRT is long term a dead horse.

Glenn Watkins selected this answer as the correct answer

Glenn Watkins commented Oct 09 '15, 1:30 a.m.

 Hi Guido

Thank you very much for your response, much appreciated.

Kind Regards

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