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RQM - Execution Trend report question

Mahari Hill (4861184230) | asked Oct 01 '15, 2:13 p.m.
edited Oct 02 '15, 10:14 a.m.

CLM 502

I have a question about the Execution Trend report:

I have read the help and this chart and I need some clarification. If I have 450 test cases each worth one point. So 450 TCERs each worth one point as well.

My chart says:
9/13/15 - Complete = 254 Attempted = 334
9/20/15 - Complete = 314 Attempted = 344

I read the help, but what does this mean EXACTLY. Is the Attempted telling me that out of 450 TCERs, I have only Attempted 344 unique cases as of 9/20? Or is it telling me that the tester did 334 unique attempts the week of 9/13 and then 344 during 9/20 or did the tester just do 10 tests in one week. It's hard to see b/c the week of 9/20, the number of complete grows, more than the amount of Attempted (19) from 9/13-9/20.

(Update - forgot to add chart)

Accepted answer

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William Chen (31215) | answered Oct 05 '15, 12:51 p.m.
Hi Mahari,

The 344 Attempted on 9/20 means 344 actual execution attempts (actual test execution progress) against your planned test schedules. You have a total of 334 attempts on 9/13 and the tester attempted 10 more executions by 9/20.

Our calculation for Attempted is the combined weight of attempted test case execution records. The number can grow since it is accumulated. However, you still have 9 Complete in question even if all 10 executions were passed. I would suggest you to run these RQM widget reports to get more details:

Execution by Test Schedule (Live)
Execution Status using TCER Count (Live)

Mahari Hill selected this answer as the correct answer

Mahari Hill commented Oct 06 '15, 3:25 p.m.


That cleared up a lot of questions.

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