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Jazz web application error after running serverReset

Paul B (21313) | asked Sep 23 '15, 7:46 a.m.
edited Sep 23 '15, 8:12 a.m.

I've just rebuilt my RTC dev sandbox from 32bit to 64bit. I've built it twice, once using Windows 7 and the other Server 2008R2. When I run the below URI in the browser and request a server reset on both 64bit builds; On start up I get the error message in the console:
"Failed to delete OSGi temporary workarea. Try shutting down your server and redeploying your Jazz web Application."

After the server displays server startup ms xxxxx, I can connect to the Jazz area but not ccm anymore. This never happened on the 32bit build. I'm running RTC 5.0.0. 


EDIT: I took a screenshot of the console logging off. I'm not sure if it's related:

Any help would be great.

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Paul B (21313) | answered Sep 23 '15, 8:54 p.m.
 I found the issue. I changed the folder permissions on the jazz repository to allow modify access. Not sure why it's different for 32bit to 64. Oh well it works now.

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