How do I restrict a user to only see designated project areas, artifacts and source

We have a need to provide vendors access to our RTC instance for a specific project. For security pruposes, these individual users can only have access to the project area, work items and source code related to that project. Is there a feature in RTC that allows me to restrict users to see only specific items?
3 answers

Hi Suzanne,
Yes, this task can be accomplished at the 'Process Configuration' tab ->Team Configuration -> Permissions section of the project area in RTC Client or the 'Permissions' section of the respective Project Area. Make sure that the user modifying the access has admin rights and is also an admin for the project area.
You an also read through this article: for more info.
- Kunal

Hi Suzanne,
Ability to see artifacts (streams, work items, builds, etc) is controlled by project area visibility and membership. Ability to change those artifacts is controlled by process permissions defined on the project and team area.
For more information, you may find these links helpful:
Ability to see artifacts (streams, work items, builds, etc) is controlled by project area visibility and membership. Ability to change those artifacts is controlled by process permissions defined on the project and team area.
For more information, you may find these links helpful: