Have you ever run into issue with creating a new RRC PA like we did ?
This happens on our TST env, 5.0.2 Windows/Tomcat.
First time we ever create an RRC PA from the setting icons while on an RRC project in webUI
This brought up a list of templates to choose, but we did not find the default template, so we picked something we thought meant none of the templates: It literally blew up on us, there was red error message hidden behind several pop-up windows, which cannot be moved away nor exited. Somehow we got off that main windows. The project area was created and can be managed/edited, but would hang on browsing artifacts.
We then created another PA the usual way, via menuitem "Projects Ares" while in a managed/edited RRC PA:
The project was created successfully. But again this PA can be managed/edited but hang on browsing artifacts. We did try to initialize the previous PA or both at one time too. However both kept the same behaviour.
Wonder if you have ever tried creating PA via the first method?
Any trouble ?
What was happening?
Any way to get the PAs fixed? Considering this is TST env, we could refresh DB's with PRD clones, but any infos helping understanding the issue would be appreciated.
One answer
What you call the first method is the preferred way, you get all the RM project templates to choose from.
The second using application administration does not let choose you a project template, and under the covers applies the RM "Requirements Template for Testers". For more details on RM project area creation, look at this post:
Why don't I see all templates to generate a DNG project area
To diagnose your issue, provide more details. Any error messages in the RM log files, what are the permissions and licenses for the user the shows the problem, etc. Also seems you migrated production data to your test environment, what steps did you take there, any issues with existing project areas?
The second using application administration does not let choose you a project template, and under the covers applies the RM "Requirements Template for Testers". For more details on RM project area creation, look at this post:
Why don't I see all templates to generate a DNG project area
To diagnose your issue, provide more details. Any error messages in the RM log files, what are the permissions and licenses for the user the shows the problem, etc. Also seems you migrated production data to your test environment, what steps did you take there, any issues with existing project areas?