RQM6.0: Re-Building DB Indices error: CRJAZ0577E The following SQL query did not execute properly on the server: DROP INDEX EXECUTION.
COMMAND: ./repotools-qm.sh -rebuildIndices
ERROR: [wasadmin@ratsuite193 server]$ ./repotools-qm.sh -rebuildIndices Repo Tools Provisioning using "./conf/qm/provision_profiles". Quality Management - Core Libraries, Version 6.0 (I20150519_1442) JazzFoundation - Core Libraries, Version 6.0 (RJF-I20150519-1056) To submit questions about issues, go to the Jazz.net forum at https://jazz.net/forum.
To find more information about a message, see the online product documentation.
CRJAZ1363I Loading the configuration from "file:conf/qm/teamserver.properties". CRJAZ1778I This server is configured asan application.
CRJAZ1365I The server is attempting to connect to the following database: "//ratsuite197.sby.ibm.com:60000/QM:user=xxxxxxxx password=xxxxxxxx;"
CRJAZ1364I The connection to the following database was successful: Db Product Name: DB2/AIX64 Db Product Version: SQL10056
Db URL: jdbc:db2://ratsuite197.sby.ibm.com:60000/QM:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx; Jdbc Driver Name: IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ Jdbc Driver Version: 4.17.28
CRJAZ2558I Setting the local server rename state to false and the openServerDescriptionServiceTemporarily state to false. CRJAZ1970I The application is configured with: Public URI: " https://ratsuite193.sby.ibm.com:9443/qm" (https://ratsuite193.sby.ibm.com:9443/qm%22)
Jazz Team Server location: " https://ratsuite191.sby.ibm.com:9443/jts/"
CRJAZ2523I Setting the global server rename state to false and the validation state to false.Rebuilding the indices for the database "//ratsuite197.sby.ibm.com: 60000/QM:user=xxxxxxxx;password=xxxxxxxx;". CRJAZ0577E The following SQL query did not execute properly on the server: DROP INDEX EXECUTION. XCTNTSKRSLTCSTMTT0 [187cc587] CRJAZ0577E The following SQL query did
not execute properly on the server: DROP INDEX EXECUTION.
XCTNTSKRSLTCSTMTT0 CRJAZ1217E The indices could not be rebuilt for the following database: "//ratsuite197.sby.ibm.com:60000/QM:user=xxxxxxxx; password=xxxxxxxx;"
3 answers
Thanks Paul
1. When is this Fix available?
2. How can we apply it?
3. Does this imply upgrading CLM once more or is like applying some kind of fix pack?
You have two options:
1. Wait for CLM 6.0.1 to GA and upgrade to CLM 6.0.1.
2. Open a PMR and request an APAR so the fix is backported to a 6.0 iFix.
This fix (Database Indices error after upgrade from 5.0.2 to 6.0.1 (362446)) is not included in an iFix since there isn't an APAR issued for the Foundation defect. Please open a new PMR (http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21507639).
Actually, we have a PMR S1, but the Rational Developers Team commented us the new iFix will be delivered next Oct 15, 2015.... the concern here is that our customer requires this issue will be fixed ASAP... they won't be waiting until October, maybe you can help me to follow up this issue.
Roberto, please work with IBM Support.
Donald Nong
Sep 06 '15, 7:44 p.m.Have you checked the repotools log file, or the DB2 diagnostic log files for more detailed error messages? Also, any reason for you to run the "repotools-qm.sh -rebuildIndices" command?