DNG 6.0 : How to get List of the Folders in a project using OSLC
Accepted answer
1. dcterms:title is "root".
2. oslc:serviceProvider contains the project area's service document services.xml
(edited to add, it turns out the the base folder query already contains the root folder, as "public_rm:parent", so there is no need to "find" it).
Once you get the root folder, do a GET against the root folder, and check <nav:subfolders>. Follow the link to get all the folders under the root folder. For each folder, follow the link in <nav:subfolders> to get its subfolders.
Where have you been all my Life!!! Thanks for exact Answer!!!
Hi Donald,
back to the same question again since facing issue now.
I have implemented the approach and it is working fine. I am getting RDFXml response for root folder and then one by one i am checking if it contains sub-folder and that how i am added all the folders in a list. But since i have to make get call for each folder it is taking very much time if project contains more folder. can you suggest any other Non-Resursive way to get all the folders. I don't need any relationship order means this folder is parent/child of this folder and so on. All i want all the folder once. Thanks in advance.
I don't have a better approach if you have to get all the folders at once. What I would suggest is to simulate the behavior of RDNG itself - only shows one level of folders at a time, and if you "expand" a folder, the child folders are shown, while "selecting" a folder shows the containing requirement artifacts.
No, I need all of them without worrying about any order. I am thinking to implement muti-threading, Instead of traversing through all the structure by one thread i will create multiple threads[5-10]. Lets see how it works.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Sep 12 '15, 12:02 a.m.Please tag your questions appropriately. This is clearly a question about DNG ... not about RTC or jazz foundation.