Is There a Simple Work Item Query Via REST API?
GET https://<rtc_host>:<port>/services/workitems?owner=bob&open=true?foundIn=iteration3
Accepted answer
To get the response in JSON format, simply add the HTTP Request Header "Accept: application/json".
For more details about using the OSLC API, see below articles.
Thanks for the help. The approach in the first article worked, but it says that the only URI I should keep in the code is the rootservices path. Doing so requires a couple of extra REST calls that I'd like to avoid, however. Is it necessary to follow this procedure, or can I save the workitems service path? Is it likely to change?
Thanks for the help. The approach in the first article worked, but it says that the only URI I should keep in the code is the rootservices path. Doing so requires a couple of extra REST calls that I'd like to avoid, however. Is it necessary to follow this procedure, or can I save the workitems service path? Is it likely to change?
If there is no configuration changes, such as server rename, version upgrade and etc, the path/URL stays the same.
Is there a way to get a list of resources, such as the categories for filedAgainst? I haven't been able to figure out how to get the references that I need for my queries through the REST interface.