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How do I copy requirements from one project area to another in DOORS Next Gen?

Gregory Sittler (1634) | asked Aug 28 '15, 9:37 a.m.
We imported requirements into a test project.  It worked so well, we want to just transfer them to the real project.  Do we have to export everything and then re-import?  Do we have to use ReqIF to make the transfer?  Is there a quick way to make the copy?

3 answers

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Sterling Ferguson-II (1.6k9283269) | answered Sep 01 '15, 6:54 a.m.

Looks like you have to wait until version 601. From the preview:

  • Copying requirements between projects. For the first time, in v6.0.1 users will be able to copy requirements between projects. To enable this we have introduced a mechanism to copy and share types between projects as well. This copy functionality will support requirements, modules, collections, and diagrams, and will give customers a flexibility to reorganize and reuse requirements across project boundaries that has not existed before.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Aug 30 '15, 10:33 p.m.
I am not aware any ways of a "direct copy".

If you choose to use ReqIF, please keep in mind that new "types" will be created even the type systems in the source project and target project "look" the same, which can be an undesired side effect. See the "important" note in the below document for details.

If you originally imported the requirement artifacts from a document, for example creating a module with multiple artifacts from a Word document, I personally would prefer re-importing the document in the target/real project.

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Yvo Van Wezemael (91012) | answered Sep 04 '15, 8:34 a.m.
If you have sufficient rights, you might consider creating a new project template and include all information (inclusing all artifacts) in it and then create a new project area using this project template.

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