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can we generate or export test script details of multiple scripts at one go ?

Sindhuri Soma (624) | asked Aug 25 '15, 8:58 a.m.

I see we can generate pdf for single Test script, can we do it for multiple TS by selecting muliple ?

Also, is there an option to browse test scripts included inside TCs of a particular test plan?
can we put a filter of test plan while browsing test scripts?

thanks in advance
Sindhuri Soma

3 answers

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 25 '15, 10:23 p.m.
Hi, Sindhuri

You can not generate multiple TS if you want the step details. If you only want to see the list of TS, you can select multiple TS in TS view and export to PDF. If you want to see the detailed steps of multiple TS, if TS are associated with TestCase, you can go to TestCase view and select multiple TCs and export to PDF. the result would include individual
PDF for each test case and it can have detailed test script as well.

When you go to Test Plan > Test Case section, you can add test script as a display column on test case section, from which you can hover on the test script and see the overview and description(no steps can be viewed).

I don't think you can filter test plan while browsing test scripts. If your test plan has test case and that test case has test script, the test plan view does not have test case and test script column to filter as well.
I only see the enhancement workitem on test case to have test script filter:

You may be interested in this plan workitem:

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Sindhuri Soma (624) | answered Aug 26 '15, 7:11 a.m.
Hi Yang,

As you mentioned when I go to Browse Test Cases, applied a filter of CTP, then list of TCs under it are displayed,
Now I see an option, Export Current Page, When I tried this by selecting required TCs, it does not export the script details. Just exports the list of TCs.

May I know if you are mentioning some other way?

Thanks in advance!
Sindhuri Soma

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Sindhuri Soma (624) | answered Aug 26 '15, 7:29 a.m.
Hi Again,

I got the point you mentioned, Select multiple TCs, Under Actions Menu, selected Export Details,
Could observe that zip folder is generated with multiple pdfs, one pdf for each test case.

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