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HTML attributes in WorkItems

Thorsten Gau (8621212) | asked Jul 18 '09, 6:39 p.m.
What markup (HTML, Wiki-style, ...) is allowed in HTML attributes?
I didn't find any documentation and have trouble make use of my


I'd like at least to use bold/italics/underline, bulleted lists, ordered lists.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Johannes Rieken (1.2k1) | answered Jul 20 '09, 8:16 a.m.
tgau wrote:
What markup (HTML, Wiki-style, ...) is allowed in HTML attributes?
I didn't find any documentation and have trouble make use of my


I'd like at least to use bold/italics/underline, bulleted lists,
ordered lists.

Bold/italics are currently supported by the html attribute. Select
Ctrl+b and Ctrl+i to activate them. Support for wiki syntax is on its way.

Cheers, Johannes
Agile Planning Team
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Chidambaram L commented Sep 24 '15, 1:31 a.m.

Attribute type: "Large HTML"; Default Value Type: "Multi-line HTML"; I wanted to display hyperlink in the attribute. Attribute is read-only. Clicking this hyperlink should open the new website. Is it possible ?

Ralph Schoon commented Sep 24 '15, 2:39 a.m.

Start asking your own questions, instead of commenting to a 6 year old question.

I have been able to create URL's/Links using the Wiki type in JavaScript calculated attributes. See

 Lab 5. You can create an URL if you put in the http link but you can't put in a href tag with a title, using JavaScript.

You can set an attribute with the API containing italic, bold and href's as shown in

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