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Can we customize the Document Style Report for a particular project area in DNG

anoop mc (74811199221) | asked Aug 18 '15, 6:15 a.m.

We have a new requirement from a project team where they asked for if  -  we can customize the Document Style Report for a particular project area in DNG.

Attached is the snapshot of the same. Apart from what is seen in left hand side. We need to add new attributes like Source, Approver Status Date and Owner.  

Note that we are using only CLM 5.0.1 and not integrated with RPE.

Can this be customizable ? Is there another way to achieve the same result?


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Abish Mathew Zachariah (252511) | answered Aug 18 '15, 7:16 a.m.


Document Style report for RDNG 5.0.1 uses out of the box RPE templates and run using RRDG (RPE engine inside CLM). These templates can be customized only using a standalone RPE Studio.

Best Regards
Abish M Zachariah

anoop mc commented Aug 18 '15, 8:02 a.m.

 Hi Abish,

Thanks for the solution. So mean to say that without RPE integration we cannot achieve the end-result the project is looking for.

Subramanya Prasad Pilar commented Aug 18 '15, 12:55 p.m.

Yes. Without using RPE Studio, you cannot modify/customize this report.

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