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RTC - Release configuration

Namrata Anbhule (315) | asked Aug 04 '15, 2:01 a.m.
Hello Team

I am facing a issue with configuration of release as per the teams.

In RTC, the releases are attributes of a project area. Can they be associated with specific teams area. For example

Our RTC Project structure is as below

Project Area
-----> Team A
             ---> Team A1
             ---> Team A2
-----> Team B
             ----> Team B1
             ----> Team B2
-----> Team C1
             ----> Team C1
             ----> Team C2

Releases defined in project area are
v91,v95,v97,v101, v105 ,V11

What we would like to achieve is
Associate the releases with the team as below

-----> Team A
             ---> v91
             ---> v95
-----> Team B
             ----> v97
             ----> v101
-----> Team C1
             ----> v105
             ----> V11

Please advice as to how we can achieve this.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Aug 04 '15, 2:32 a.m.
You can create releases manually and name them as you like. Releases don't have a hierarchical structure, so you would have to name them like Team_R1.

Usually if you define project areas, all members of the project and team area work towards a common goal and it is not necessary to distinguish releases by team, as the scope of the release is defined by the build queues, streams, work items and plans.

Namrata Anbhule commented Aug 05 '15, 12:04 a.m.

Thank you Ralph for the reply but what I what to achieve is that the visibility of the release

Team A should only be able to see v91 , v95 
Team B should only be able to see v97 , v101 
Team C should only be able to see v105 , v11

Currently all teams can see all the releases.

Please advice.

Ralph Schoon commented Aug 05 '15, 2:06 a.m. | edited Aug 05 '15, 2:07 a.m.

This is not possible today as far as I know.

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