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Can we change the Owner of a Changeset?

Aparna Sukumaran (333760) | asked Jul 30 '15, 6:33 p.m.
One of our team members left, i there a way to change the Ownership of a change set?

3 answers

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Taki Nakajo (1.1k2946) | answered Jul 30 '15, 10:23 p.m.
edited Jul 31 '15, 4:40 a.m.
Why do you want to change the owner? Has the change set already been delivered?
If the change set has already been delivered, the owner is a user who performed to deliver. It doesn't make sense if you want to change so you can't change this.

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Arun K Sriramaiah (3.2k23677) | answered Jul 31 '15, 3:47 a.m.
 HI Aparna,

You can't change the Creator\Owner for the changesets.


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SEC Servizi (97123860) | answered Jul 31 '15, 4:42 a.m.
edited Jul 31 '15, 4:43 a.m.
If the change-set is still not completed, you will own it when you close/deliver it. We actually use this trick to pre-populate change-sets with default files checked-in by technical user but then delivered by team members.

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