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How do I create a Requirement with characters like angle brackets in the title using the OSLC creation factory?

Sudheer Rugbeer (11521832) | asked Jul 26 '15, 1:23 p.m.
edited Jul 26 '15, 1:25 p.m.

I am trying to create a requirement in DNG 5.0.2 using the OSLC creation factory. The title of the requirement contains the characters '<' and '>' and this is obviously not allowed in RDF XML, and I get a 403 Forbidden error.

However, if I convert these characters to &lt; and &gt; then the requirement gets created, but the title contains the actual characters &lt; and &gt; and not the < and >.

If I update the title using the DNG web interface, and then look at the audit history, it appears that the OSLC created version encodes the '&' part of &lt; so my RDF XML becomes: &amp;lt; when using the OSLC factory.
Audit history showing incorrect encoding of <

Is there any way of properly encoding the '<' and '>' characters when creating using the OSLC factory?
Other than editting and correcting them after creation?


2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Jul 27 '15, 1:24 a.m.
edited Jul 27 '15, 1:24 a.m.
I suggest you open a ticket with Support if you have to do it this way, as there seems to be no way to pass the angle brackets as is when using OSLC.
If you just put the right angle bracket in the title, you will notice that it does not get preserved, and gets escaped to "& gt;" instead.

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Sudheer Rugbeer (11521832) | answered Jul 27 '15, 10:16 a.m.

Ok so I've managed to find a solution - by using the Eclipse Lyo client to create the requirement.
This has preserved the angle brackets (not entirely sure how though!)


Jim Ruehlin commented Jul 28 '15, 8:58 p.m.

 Lyo uses Apache Wink to support its client API. I suspect that Wink is making the proper conversions in the XML to handle special characters. Wink handles a number of different data formats and seems to make these kinds of text conversions transparent.

- Jim Ruehlin

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