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Receiving Type Error msg when trying access plan view

nannette Mori (50985) | asked Jul 16 '15, 6:07 p.m.

When accessing a plan in the interation view received TypeError:this object attributes is undefined.

Appears to be an issue with the associated iteration timeline.  When trying to change to a different iteration timeline it hangs on the loading at 41%.  We have also received these additional  errors: Exception

TypeError:_76 is null

Thank You!

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Jul 16 '15, 8:06 p.m.
Hi, Nannette

In most cases, these errors are similar to the problem in the below technote:

There are a lot of questions to ask in order to find out what's wrong other than the error messages:
1) version of RTC and browser
2) whether different browser have the same issue
3) in the plan view, View As option, if selecting different view mode, do you see the error or not
4) when edit plan view mode, check if any options are having the problem, for example, Display set to Kanban
or taskboard having the problem but not tree.
Check if column has [status] or not, if yes, remove it from column, whether the problem is gone
5) check workitem query against each type used in Plan to find out if there is any status showing ID instead of real state(NEW, In Progress etc). if yes, apply the resolution in the technote to fix it.
if there is id status but synchronize attribute does not make any change to the status, need to check with that type of workitem's workflow, it is likely the workflow is set to None

Hopefully these help.

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