Attach a file to an existing work item
I have a bunch of already existing work items in the past.I am trying to attach files to these wok items from the attachments/links section.But its giving me an error saying 'Save work item failed'.I amn't able to attach files JUST for the already existing ones;for the new work items it works fine.
What can be a solution to this problem?
One answer
saw a problem similar to this last year.
doing it from the web? is the workitem 'category' a child category? what RTC version?
two workarounds..
1. use the eclipse UI
2. temporarily change the category to a root category, then save the workitem with the attachment,
then change the category back, and save again
doing it from the web? is the workitem 'category' a child category? what RTC version?
two workarounds..
1. use the eclipse UI
2. temporarily change the category to a root category, then save the workitem with the attachment,
then change the category back, and save again
hi Sam,
I am doing this using the web.Most of our customers use the web over the client so web is what we want to use always.It's the 5.0.2 version of RTC. No the work item category is not a child category.
We tried changing the category to a root category and then saving the workitem but it still doesn't work.
Is this still an existing defect for IBM?
I don't know if its still a defect, I ama customer too. I was working on 4.0.4 at the time and t said it was fixed on 4.0.2.. but clearly not for that installation.
I have not been there in a year now, so I don't know if they received a fix
Oh ok..sure thanks for the reply Sam.
Taki Nakajo
Jul 06 '15, 10:33 p.m.Can you tell us more information in order to investigate?
Pooja Biwalkar
Jul 07 '15, 4:44 p.m.Sure.
Taki Nakajo
Jul 07 '15, 8:59 p.m.Hi, Pooja,