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CAL license holding duration

Halil Bahadır (1113924) | asked Jul 13 '09, 5:10 a.m.
is it possible to decrease the CAL holding duration for floating licenses.

Because 2 hour is too much. (it is 30 min. for clearcase)


One answer

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Rolf Nelson (617159) | answered Jul 13 '09, 5:19 p.m.
is it possible to decrease the CAL holding duration for floating licenses.

Because 2 hour is too much. (it is 30 min. for clearcase)


No it is fixed for RTC. RTC is a little different from ClearCase in that RTC does not take a license on read access. Read access is "free". RTC takes a license when data is modified (write operations). RTC also has a contributor license and a developer license. Both have a timeout of two hours after a write operation.

Like ClearCase, RTC floating licenses can float across RTC servers for better license utilization.


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