Jazz web UI

I am using M3a version. When I tried to connect to the Jazz from the browser, the main project page loads fine but when I tried to log into a project, it auto redirects it to port 9443 and displays security dialog which I click ok but it then displays some kind of Windows login dialog. I tried using the Windows user/pwd but no luck. The weird thing is that I was able to use the web UI before. I tried restarting the Jazz server but no luck (same issue). Any idea?
5 answers

Did you check that the ADMIN user is defined in your project area?
If you are using Tomcat, you should also check out the file named
"tomcat-users.xml" under "<jazzroot>\jazz\server\tomcat\conf".
You should have a line declaring the ADMIN user:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- ... -->
<role rolename="jazzusers"/>
<role rolename="manager"/>
<!-- ... -->
<user username="ADMIN" password="ADMIN" roles="jazzusers,manager"/>
<!-- ... -->
If you are using Tomcat, you should also check out the file named
"tomcat-users.xml" under "<jazzroot>\jazz\server\tomcat\conf".
You should have a line declaring the ADMIN user:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!-- ... -->
<role rolename="jazzusers"/>
<role rolename="manager"/>
<!-- ... -->
<user username="ADMIN" password="ADMIN" roles="jazzusers,manager"/>
<!-- ... -->

Hi Gary, sorry for your difficulties with the web UI login.
To summarize, the following must be configured correctly for web UI login to work:
1) Configure your app server (WAS or Tomcat) to point to an appropriate user registry (e.g. LDAP or application-specific like tomcat-users.xml).
2) The user must exist in both the Jazz repository and the user registry.
3) The user must have the same user id in both the Jazz repository and the user registry (e.g. my Jazz repository user id is 'bhiggins' and my Jazz.net user id is also 'bhiggins').
4) The user must minimally have "Reader" system permissions.
As a meta-comment, I admit than when there are various login configuration problems, the web UI's usability is poor. I've created Task 38433 so that we can systematically address this problem. Your feedback there is welcome.
To summarize, the following must be configured correctly for web UI login to work:
1) Configure your app server (WAS or Tomcat) to point to an appropriate user registry (e.g. LDAP or application-specific like tomcat-users.xml).
2) The user must exist in both the Jazz repository and the user registry.
3) The user must have the same user id in both the Jazz repository and the user registry (e.g. my Jazz repository user id is 'bhiggins' and my Jazz.net user id is also 'bhiggins').
4) The user must minimally have "Reader" system permissions.
As a meta-comment, I admit than when there are various login configuration problems, the web UI's usability is poor. I've created Task 38433 so that we can systematically address this problem. Your feedback there is welcome.