Issue setting up RTC Plugin development environment with RTC 6.0.3
I am getting this error while adding RTC SDK in the RTC PDE target platform setup.
"You have selected a target with a newer version than your current Eclipse installation. This can cause unexpected behaviour in PDE. Please use a newer version of Eclipse."
I'm using RTC eclipse 4.2 client for RTC 6.0.3 with RTC server at 6.0.3. Also the SDK is from 6.0.3 downloads.
I have tried using Eclipse Kepler with RTC P2 install. I still get the same error.
Also I see we have multiple versions of some of the SDK Plugins.
I'm having a lot of unresolved bundle errors, I'm assuming they are because of some version conflicts, I have done this setup and development many times before in RTC 4x and 5x. I was successful with RTC 6.0.2 (I had to manually remove a few conflicting versions.) . But here we have many jars(more than 25) showing these duplicates.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
Accepted answer
Use Eclipse 4.4.2 with P2 install. See for some information. I m working on updating the Extensions Workshop, but that will take a while. For the dplicates: I am not sure that is an issue, as I am able to set up the workshop.
Hi Ralph,
Thanks a ton for those pointers. Luna SR2 worked perfectly in one go. No hazzles.
The duplicates didn't bother this time.
Thanks again.
Download until it goes up on the web site.