build engine: language of build results
I successfully installed and tested my build language as a service with jsl.
I just have one little problem: all build logfiles are in french instead of english. Where can I change that into english?
My jsl logs are in english. My system settings are english. My internet settings are in english. My RTC is completly in english.
But the build engine console system out, system err and all build result logs of the build engine are in french.
I installed the service with java parameters -Duser.language=en and also addet them to the jbe.ini and add configuration but no results.
Any idea?
I successfully installed and tested my build language as a service with jsl.
I just have one little problem: all build logfiles are in french instead of english. Where can I change that into english?
My jsl logs are in english. My system settings are english. My internet settings are in english. My RTC is completly in english.
But the build engine console system out, system err and all build result logs of the build engine are in french.
I installed the service with java parameters -Duser.language=en and also addet them to the jbe.ini and add configuration but no results.
Any idea?