Jazz Component Version Numbering
Jazz Component Version Numbering has been described at
http://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzVersioningNumbering . Was
wondering what the version numbering ranges are for RTC 1.0.x.x and for
RTC 2.0.x.x ?
Looking at the plugins it looks like 1.0.x.x is [0.6.0, 1.0.0) and for
2.0.x.x it is [1.0.0, 2.1.0) ?
It would be great if that document above can be updated for RTC 2.0.x.
Jazz Component Version Numbering has been described at
http://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzVersioningNumbering . Was
wondering what the version numbering ranges are for RTC 1.0.x.x and for
RTC 2.0.x.x ?
Looking at the plugins it looks like 1.0.x.x is [0.6.0, 1.0.0) and for
2.0.x.x it is [1.0.0, 2.1.0) ?
It would be great if that document above can be updated for RTC 2.0.x.
One answer
Part of my confusion is that some RTC2.0.x plugins start with 1.0.0.x
and some with 2.0.0.x. Following Plugin versioning rules, if public API
is changed at any point the above plugins would be updated to 2.0.0.x
and 3.0.0.x respectively I guess.
So on a plugin by plugin basis we would need to update the version range.
Srimanth Gunturi wrote:
and some with 2.0.0.x. Following Plugin versioning rules, if public API
is changed at any point the above plugins would be updated to 2.0.0.x
and 3.0.0.x respectively I guess.
So on a plugin by plugin basis we would need to update the version range.
Srimanth Gunturi wrote:
Jazz Component Version Numbering has been described at
http://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzVersioningNumbering . Was
wondering what the version numbering ranges are for RTC 1.0.x.x and for
RTC 2.0.x.x ?
Looking at the plugins it looks like 1.0.x.x is