How can I detect if a changeset renames a file?
One answer
You can try using --json with scm status before resuming, and look for
"move": true,
string. If it is found, you can further examine the string to check for the case change:
"new-path": "\/Xyz.txt",
"path": "\/xyz.txt",
(this is of course assuming that the file was renamed using scm move. Otherwise, you'd look for the file deletion and addition).
"move": true,
string. If it is found, you can further examine the string to check for the case change:
"new-path": "\/Xyz.txt",
"path": "\/xyz.txt",
(this is of course assuming that the file was renamed using scm move. Otherwise, you'd look for the file deletion and addition).
Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Jun 18 '15, 11:21 a.m.hi Lauren,
Can you provide the current command you are using to resume? Also do you want to see if the changeset has the changes before resuming it? Or it is ok during resume?
Lauren Hayward Schaefer
JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 18 '15, 12:45 p.m.The command I use is
lscm resume changeset [changesetId] -t [workspaceId] -r [repoUrl] --overwrite-uncommitted
At any point in the resume process is fine.