capturing the uuid of changeset mutile jar files using command
Now that the requirement is slightly changed that there are multiple jar files
./ share -r https://rtc_url:9443/ccm "ledger" 1102 "/root/jarfile/ledger/package" (here there are multiple jar files like ledger1.0.21.jar,ledger1.0.22.jar ,ledger1.0.23.jar ,ledger1.0.24.jar)
So just want to confirm the object value pair where the UUID gets strored in both the case will be in the same location?
One answer
If the changes are from the same component (in this case I believe so) there will be only one changeset created & so the path mentioned
['workspaces'][0]['components'][0]['outgoing-changes'][0][' uuid ']' contains the uuid of the change set .
But if the changes are from different components then there will be one change set per component created.