Unable to fetch data from RQM test case using OSLC api
Hi All,
I am developing application using OSLC api. I am trying fetch data from the RQM test case using OSCL api, but I am not able to fetch even single value(I am using sample code which is provided in the Eclipse Lyo SDK.).
The URL which i have used is,
The url works fine in Poster/Postman plugin i am getting few data in response , but if I used sample code provided by Eclipse Lyo SDK for RQM it fails. No data for request, however the response is 200
Thank you in advance
One answer
The oslc.where query parameter value is probably not URL-encoded in the Eclipse Lyo implementation. Can you debug the Eclipse Lyo implementation to determine the exact URL/parameters for the GET request?
Are there other samples you would recommend for RQM OSLC interface?
RQM does not have any OSLC QM V2 API samples/tutorials. I would recommend first-time users consult the OSLC QM V2 API WIKI:
Using a simple HTTP client (e.g. Poster/HttpRequester) is recommended.
Eclipse Lyo is our client sample:
Project web site: http://eclipse.org/lyo
OSLC SDK: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/LyoOSLC4J
I would also recommend submitting this question to the Eclipse Lyo mailing list: