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Import Clearquest Ticket/Defect to RTC Work Items

Adel Salah (1124) | asked Jun 03 '15, 3:15 a.m.

I want to import Clearquest Tickets into RTC Work Items. How to proceed?

when exporting a CQ ticket  we get a XML-File like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--Generiert von ClearQuest Eclipse Client  Tue May 26 12:36:07 CEST 2015--><exportedResults creationTime="Tue May 26 12:36:07 CEST 2015">
  <providerInfo name="ClearQuest" version=""/>
  <queryInfo name="My Tasks (all)" recordType="Working_Task"/>
      <field name="id">CQCMT00004908</field>
      <field name="Headline">Test CrossCoreEmbeddedStudio with RTC &amp; CC functionnality</field>
      <field name="task_type">Feature Request</field>
      <field name="State">Resolved</field>
      <field name="Transfer">&lt;none&gt;</field>
      <field name="Severity">4-Low</field>
      <field name="Priority">4-Low</field>
      <field name="DeliveryDate"/>
      <field name="Project_Office">RTC_Playground</field>

but when exporting a Work Item/Task I just got  this:

Type Id        Status           Priority Severity   Summary Owned By            Created By
Task 45 New Unassigned    Normal                 RTC CC ccsync          xxxxxx, xxxx (user Account)

the question is how to start? how to create a template?


One answer

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 03 '15, 4:16 a.m.
Please consider using the ClearQuest importer. see

Also see:
Rational Team Concert and Rational ClearQuest - Integration Cookbook
Additional guidance and a workshop on importing ClearQuest records in to Rational Team Concert
Import ClearQuest records into Rational Team Concert

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