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How to disable auto synchronization of old workitems in RTC v5.0.2

Pravin Patil (104146134) | asked Jun 02 '15, 2:57 p.m.

I have a enumeration "Create" with literals "Yes" and "No". I have few work items using this enumeration with value "Create = yes".

Now I removed the enumeration literal "Yes" from the dropdown values. Hence the work items started showing "Create = create.literal.l2". Which means the work items got synchronized automatically with the change I did to enumeration value. This has left the work items in weird state (using the enumeration "Create").

Is there a way to switch off this auto synchronization. I should be able to synchronize the work items when I want to. Also, is there a way to synchronize only selective workitems?

Can this all be achieved from Eclipse/web?

Please suggest.

2 answers

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Christian Morgan (317714) | answered Jun 02 '15, 4:34 p.m.

I believe this is likely working as intended and there was no synchronization really, just a dangling reference to the underlying id when the literal label was removed.  It acts as a good failsafe in my opinion to allow people to avert mistakes that could cause a lot of headache to unwind.

This is different from synchronizing work item attributes to the forms that present the data, that is user controlled for the most part, requiring you to manually synch work items with new attributes added to a presentation.

In your scenario you removed a value (literal) from an attribute (enumeration), but the underlying database is still recording the previous values, it just no longer has a way to correlate that to the enumerated attribute and the work item form.  Since it is now just showing the underlying id, you could recover by editing the process xml with the old information for the value/literal xml entry (if this was a mistaken deletion) or you could use the id to build a new value/literal entry and have the work items pick it up without having to run bulk import/updates against the work items.

I may be incorrect and would love to hear what others have to say on this topic.

Pravin Patil commented Jun 02 '15, 6:44 p.m.

hey I found a option, to Archive the value (literal) rather then REMOVE it. This way, it continues to show the value that has been removed, but also shows a warning in small "X" on top left of the checkbox, mentioning something like "this value cannot be used"

Do you have any thoughts on this feature?

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Christian Morgan (317714) | answered Jun 11 '15, 9:28 a.m.
 Sorry I haven't gotten back to your response/  I would think this is the right approach to on one hand preserve the old value for audit/history purposes and to ensure that end users are aware that the values are no longer valid choices in the enumerated list.

If your totally replacing values then updating the work items after you swap out enumeration values would be the way to go.  The history for the work item will still have a record of the old and new value even if the new list no longer carries the old values.

The real trick would be getting back to the underlying id and recovering an old value, but since you can always explore the prior source for the process config you should be able to pull forward old ids for the values if needed.

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