One answer
When RTC SCM CLI starts it tries to secure the config directory by setting the right permissions on that directory. The config directory is by default the <user home directory>/.jazz-scm or it picks it up from the --config option if specified.
The reason to secure the directory is because the user can inform the cli to cache the credentials during login. If for some reason the cli could not secure the directory it will throw an error. Setting SCM_ALLOW_INSECURE will skip this permission check and continue even if the directory is not secure (i.e., accessible to others in the machine).
But how do we set the property as TRUE? What is the syntax?
It just checks the existence of the environment variable. You can set it to SCM_ALLOW_INSECURE=1 or SCM_ALLOW_INSECURE=true or for that matter any value.
By the way, this flag does not have any impact on JBE. It is only impacted when you run the scm cli commands.
Again, what is the syntax to set this property? And where do we set it? Do we set it at the configuration directory i.e.‘/direc./<USER HOME DIREC.>/.jazz-scm'
Before you run the commands on the command prompt, in windows 'set SCM_ALLOW_INSECURE=1' or in linux 'export SCM_ALLOW_INSECURE=1'.
You can also set this value by adding the below line to the scm.ini file:
Thank you