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How do you accept a changeset into a stream, when the changeset is associated with a workitem in another project area.

Martin McAuley (1721633) | asked May 19 '15, 6:31 a.m.
In RTC 4.0.6, if a changeset is created in project area A and associated with a workitem in project area B, then users with access only to project area A cannot accept the changeset into a project area A stream. They can accept the changeset into their project area A workspace. Is there a configuration to change this behaviour or is this as expected?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 19 '15, 6:49 a.m.
Change sets and SCM is not managed within a project area. The visibility and other permissions can affect what you can see or change.

You would typically not accept changes from a work item into a stream.
You would accept them into a repository workspace and then deliver them to your Stream in Project A.

If you flow from one stream to another, you need to be able to see both objects.

Martin McAuley commented May 19 '15, 7:29 a.m.

Thanks for the reply. The question is not about accepting changes from a work item into a stream but from a parent stream into a child stream. If the changeset is associated with a work item from another project, which the user does not have access to, then they cannot accept the changeset from the parent stream into the child stream even though it shows as incoming to the child stream. The user has full access to both parent and child stream. They can however accept it into a workspace.

Ralph Schoon commented May 19 '15, 7:36 a.m.

What message comes up if you try?

Martin McAuley commented May 19 '15, 8:17 a.m.

deliver failed - missing work item

Ralph Schoon commented May 19 '15, 8:25 a.m.

You have a precondition on delivery configured to have a work item connected to the change set. Have a look at the operational behavior. If the work item can not be found by the operational behavior it will fail. You can configure what you want there:

Martin McAuley commented May 19 '15, 8:31 a.m.

yes the project has that operational behaviour set - but this is an accept not a deliver - the message says 'deliver failed' when the user tries to accept - and the changeset already has a work item associated so meets the behaviour requirement.

Ralph Schoon commented May 19 '15, 8:34 a.m. | edited May 19 '15, 8:35 a.m.

An accept from another stream into a stream is effectively the same as a deliver to a stream.

Can the operational behavior "See" the work item? If the user does not have access to the project area where it lives in, the operational behavior, which runs in the context of the current user, will not be able to see it.

Martin McAuley commented May 19 '15, 9:37 a.m.

ok - but can the operational behaviour not see that a work item is already associated even though the work item itself cannot be viewed? and why does it allow the user to accept the changeset into their workspace?

Ralph Schoon commented May 19 '15, 9:59 a.m.

Because accepting into a workspace does not trigger the behavior. The behavior will however be triggered if the user delivers the changes from the workspace to the stream.

If the change sets are linked to work items the operation can't see, you will get the same error then.

You could override this for a specific role, or the integrator has access to both team areas.

Martin McAuley commented May 19 '15, 11:18 a.m.

ok - thanks for the prompt response.

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