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Rally to RTC migration restrictions

anoorva sinha (4048) | asked May 19 '15, 1:06 a.m.
 While trying Export/Import  of Stories from Rally to RTC using .csv files, I noticed following limitations:
  1. Only some basic Rally fields like 'Name', 'Owner' etc which can be directly mapped with RTC fields (to 'Summary', 'Owned By') can be imported. So is there a way to CREATE a field in RTC if it doesn't exist already while importing?
  2. RTC is unable to create Rally type of ids like "US62280". So all the Imported Rally Stories will get new ids in continuation of the last available id in RTC. Is it anyhow possible to generate the same ids in RTC?
  3. If a value of particular column of Rally say 'Owner' doesn't available in RTC (in case a person has a changed id/person no longer in ibm team etc) the import fails. And you need to remove/replace all those values from .csv file manually before importing the data. Same with 'Schedule state' and few other fields of Rally where we have different values in RTC. Is there any way to bypass/skip those values or replace some other value for them?
  4. All required values in main fields like Project area, Team area, Release, Iterations, Owner etc (which allows only pre-defined values to select) should be created and should have EXACT match before performing import. Is there any way to add new values to these fields during import.
  5. Some mandatory fields like 'Filed Against' etc of RTC need to be added to data before Import. This field was not there in Rally. so can we skip this here?
  6. Parent Child relationship of Rally Stories seems to be lost after importing. How can we retain that?

I am not using RTC Admin account... Is that be helpful to over come some of these limitations?

I understand that its .csv export/import so it must be having some limitations but the imported data doesn't seem to very helpful after loosing ids, parent-child relationships and other information.

Any help on this will be appreciated.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered May 19 '15, 4:21 a.m.
Please see  An Overview of Project Fundamentals in Rational Team Concert 3.0 to understand the basic concepts of RTC.
1. See

and also see
Process Enactment Workshop for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management
for how to customize RTC process and work items - take the version for RTC only.
2. You will need a custom attribute of type small string to maintain the Rally ID. RTC creates its own ID's and that can not be customized.
3. Owner mapping: You need the owner ID in RTC, otherwise the import of the value does not work. If you use LDAP, you can sync users in. If you have owners that no longer exist, you would have to create the user at least temporarily or remove the value.
4. Unclear what you mean, some values are created (Iterations), some you could add in the CSV file if they are defined in RTC. You could also change the process configuration to not require those attributes during import to manage setting the values later.
5. Change the operational behavior to not require these attributes. E.g. have a special role as primary role for the user that imports and disable the operational behavior for required attributes for work item save (server) and work item save (client). See
Process behavior lookup in Rational Team Concert 2.0 and Process permissions lookup in Rational Team Concert 2.0 for how behavior and permissions work.
6. The importer can recreate relationships. See and . You basically have to add a column for the parent or child and provide the work item ID after a hash #. To be able to do this, the work item needs to be there and you might want to use the imported rally ID to recreate this relationship with the generated ID's.

You need an account that has enough permissions in the project area - an admin there, with all permissions set. Note, even if the user is a project area administration user, if he does not have the permissions things won't happen. The administrator of a project area can however give his role the required permissions.

You don't need to be a JazzAdmin to do this, but you need one that e.g. creates the users (e.g. using repotools and a CSV file).

anoorva sinha selected this answer as the correct answer

anoorva sinha commented May 27 '15, 3:53 a.m.

Thanks for a quick reply.
Links were helpful but I am still not able to recreate parent-child relationship.
Is it to be done manually?

In Rally's exported .csv file, we have a column which contains the parent ids of stories. So exactly what I need to do. Could you please explore a little more?

Ralph Schoon commented May 27 '15, 4:36 a.m.


  1. Import all work items and get them created.
  2. During import map the rally ID to a custom attribute
  3. Export all work items with their ID's and the rally ID, as well as the rally parent ID
  4. Add a column for the parent link in RTC and fill the parent's RTC ID from looking up the RTC ID on the WI with the matching rally ID; you enter that work item ID with a # in that column
  5. After you have all the mapping parent RTC ID's in that column you import the RTC related columns, especially the link column which then should create the parent link

anoorva sinha commented Jun 11 '15, 3:43 a.m.

Hi Ralph,

I have a confusion on point 4 and 5:

What should be the Name of the new column created to store the parent link in RTC?

In RTC, this parent-child relationship in work item goes under Links tab ->Links->Parent. So how will it map this place once we re-import the data with new parent-link column?

Is it required to re-import all the rows or just rows where we modified the new parent-link column (i.e the only child story rows) needs to be re-imported?

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 11 '15, 4:23 a.m.

If you export work items with parents, you can export the links as columns. I think the column is then called parent. Export from a test system and check.
If you add the correct column and the correct mapping, the importer will do the correct thing and reestablish the parent (or child) relationships, even if it is not an attribute but a relationship.

You need the items to be there to be able to link them. The second import only needs the ID of the work item that is supposed to get a parent (to find it in the RTC system) and the column for the #ID of the parent.

anoorva sinha commented Jun 11 '15, 7:33 a.m.

Thanks. It worked.
The 'Parent' and 'Children' columns are not available in display of a query result so initially I was not able to export them in .csv. However, they can be included at the time of export from 'Add columns...'. Now its working.

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 11 '15, 7:40 a.m.

Thanks for sharing this!

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