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Server Opertion

Ming Xia (1214936) | asked Jun 10 '09, 2:14 p.m.
What activities are server operation? Is login one of server operations? Is query a server operation?

Is there a list of server operations?

2 answers

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Anthony Kesterton (7.5k9180136) | answered Jun 10 '09, 5:16 p.m.
What activities are server operation? Is login one of server operations? Is query a server operation?

Is there a list of server operations?


Do you mean what operations require interaction with the server from the client?

Login definitely needs to talk to the server, so is query. All checkin/deliver/accept operations talk to the server. Saving changes to plans and work items talk to the server.

If you want to check if an operation is talking to the server - turn on the metronome (via Eclipse client, go Windows->Preferences->Team->Jazz Source Control and then check the box for the metronome. If no calls appear when you try an operation on RTC, then the server is not involved (remember to reset the metronome before you try another operation)


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Ming Xia (1214936) | answered Jun 10 '09, 11:39 p.m.
I saw "Server operation" in the online help:

"A user who is assigned a floating CAL can only use the supported CAL functions if there is an available copy of a CAL. For example, if a server administrator purchases three floating Contributor CALs and assigns them to five users, then only three users can use the CALs at the same time. CAL usage starts when a user performs their first server operation that requires the CAL. A user holds the CAL until 2 hours after their last server operation. If a user acquires a CAL at 9 AM and edits work items until 9:24 AM, then the user holds the CAL until 11:24 AM."

So not sure if login consumes a developer license, for example, a user just login and does nothing, just stay there. Does that consume one license for 2 hours?

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