DOORS Next Gen Repo/installation
One answer
Hello Zuy,
Which release are you trying to download?
The download for RDNG 5.0.2 is:
Is that the link you tried?
Best regards,
do you have the link to local install where there is no internet connection?
This is the link where you download the complete CLM repository, including RDNG. Note that you need IBM Installation Manager 1.8 or later as well on your computer to install the repository.
1 vote
The zip file contains CCM, JTS, QM, RM, and Trial Keys for CLM Products packages but no DNG. I'm using IBMIM 1.8 64bits on Windows 7 64bits VM. What am I missing?
You mean there is no longer a thick client for RDNG? I've been off the jazz stuffs for a long time and must have missed the memo.