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JFS SDK Hello World Tutorial

Kyle Christianson (1261615) | asked Jun 08 '09, 2:25 p.m.

I am working through the HelloJfs Web Application tutorial beginning at this page: . All went well until I got toward the end and tried to use the REST service to look up the current user. Instead of displaying the current user, an exception is thrown at config.getWhoamiServiceURL() and "Hello World" is displayed.

I am using RTC Enterprise Server 2.0 Beta2 and noticed that the whoami service does not exist in the services.xml file. I added the following line to the file:

<jfs:currentUser rdf:resource="%server-URL%/whoami" />

and get the same output. It is now getting past the previous exception, but the http response status code is 401.

Any help would be much appreciated

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Masaki Wakao (236) | answered Jun 11 '09, 5:28 a.m.
The Server SDK tutorial depends on Jazz Foundation Services, but RTC2.0 which is based on Jazz Foundation 1.0 doesn't support them. You need Jazz Foundation to go through the tutorial.
Jazz Foundation can be downloaded from .

We will put explicit dependency into the tutorial.

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