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How do I get the iteration of a TCER via the REST API?

Jochen Staack (551120) | asked Apr 30 '15, 4:23 a.m.

I want to get the iteration that is set for a TCER via the REST API. The xml answer when getting the information about the TCER does not include the iteration!



Accepted answer

permanent link
Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Apr 30 '15, 2:28 p.m.
edited Apr 30 '15, 2:32 p.m.
The XML returned from the API for a TCER should included a link to the Iteration
For example: Here is my TCER with an Iteration selected

The corresponding XML will include the link to the Iteration

href="https://Host:Port/qm/service/"/><ns2:testphase href="https://Host:Port/qm/service/"/><ns2:configuration href="https://Host:Port/qm/service/"/></ns2:executionworkitem>
The above URL maps to the Iteration 

<ns3:identifier>https://Host:Port/qm/service/</ns3:identifier><ns3:title>New Iteration</ns3:title><ns3:description/><ns5:owner>unassigned</ns5:owner><ns2:expectedTotalPoints>0</ns2:expectedTotalPoints><ns2:expectedDefects>0</ns2:expectedDefects>

Jochen Staack selected this answer as the correct answer

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