Workbench ANT tasks missing from Jazz builds?
I have been using a set of ANT scripts for years to build an enterprise application. The scripts use ANT tasks provided by the RAD/RSA workbench, such as <eclipse>, <workspacePreferenceGet>, <getProjectData> but those are apparently not available from a Jazz engine build according to a build log. I also use <workspaceBuild>, and <workspaceGetErrors> and others, which I'm speculating also are not available (my script doesn't get that far so I don't know)
Is there a way to make these available to the build engine?
Is there a way to make these available to the build engine?
2 answers
Since this question was posted, an article has been published on DeveloperWorks explaining the use of the RAD tools from a continuous build system:
The article usees Hudson, but the approach could easily be adapted to RTC Build, e.g. using an Ant build definition.
The article usees Hudson, but the approach could easily be adapted to RTC Build, e.g. using an Ant build definition.
The article uses Hudson, but the approach could easily be adapted to RTC Build, e.g. using an Ant build definition.
I have to say I see this as a serious problem. Reading the article I don't find it easy at all to make RAD ant tasks available in RTC build.
RTC and RAD are a natural combination. Why isn't building RAD projects better supported and documented? Is buying Build Forge the only way if one wants proper integration and support for this?