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Part-time work entry in RTC

Jelena Vasic (132) | asked Apr 28 '15, 5:32 a.m.

I have worked part-time for the last 2 years and we use RTC (in IBM). I have the work environment set up with work days from 9-1:30 (4.5 hours), however this is never reflected properly in plans - it still shows iteration hours as if I am working full time (8 hours), so for a month with 22 working days that would be 176! Is there anything I need to set, apart from the Work Days, in order to have this work properly or is there a known problem with part-time workers recording stuff in RTC?

Jelena Vasic

Accepted answer

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Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103) | answered Apr 28 '15, 8:21 a.m.
Hi Jelena,
Currently RTC take into account only working hours set up on project level, not the one set in work environment. If you wish to have this working to take into account your working hours, please create new RFE on Team
Jelena Vasic selected this answer as the correct answer

Jelena Vasic commented Apr 28 '15, 8:40 a.m.

Thanks for the quick reply!

One other answer

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Apr 28 '15, 10:27 a.m.
I don't think it makes sense to have the definition of a "day " to vary within a project area, because this information is often rolled up for the team, in which case which definition of "day" would you use?   One could have the "personal" definition of a day used in some cases, and the "project" definition of a day used in other cases, but I believe that would be very confusing.

Jelena Vasic commented Apr 28 '15, 2:04 p.m.

Hi - thanks for your response. I don't in any way think that the 'day' should be redefined (I understand that it is an 8h long unit of time). What I mean is that I expect that when the time available to spend on a project for a particular person is being totted up, using the specified 'Work Allocations', it would be easy enough to also take into account how much time that person works, deducible from 'Work Days', for example 22.5 hours a week instead of 40 like in my case. It is a lot more confusing when on the plan I appear as having 150 hours available in a month and look like I'm never really progressing at all :-).

Geoffrey Clemm commented Apr 28 '15, 4:19 p.m.

I see what you are looking for (and I agree it makes sense).   To workaround this, just make sure you assign yourself the right percentages to the appropriate team areas, i.e. ensure that your total assignment is no more than 56% time.   To have RTC check this for you, you can ask your project admin to create a "part-timer" team area, and assign 44% of your time to that team area.

Jelena Vasic commented Apr 29 '15, 3:55 a.m. | edited Apr 29 '15, 3:57 a.m.

Thanks - the workaround idea sounds like it should work.

Jelena Vasic commented Apr 29 '15, 3:56 a.m.

Thanks - the workaround idea sounds like it should work

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