Follow Up action is not called when Project Area uses Process Inheritance
Accepted answer
Thanks for the update. Maybe a RFE is due to make this easier to detect or to make inheritance easier or to be able to have a set of rules that always apply (I submitted this one).
1 vote
note that you have now broken the sharing inheritance for the child project area.
another debugging thing to note. if the parent project had set 'final' for the inheritance, you could have edited and saved the config on the child, but it would never be used. turn off final in the parent and suddenly the child changes behavior.
final is configurable for each operation and role in the grid!.. sadly there is no global final setting.
Sam, please open a RFE or an Enhancement request for this kind of stuff. I thought I had opened one my self but can't find it right now.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 29 '15, 8:28 p.m.In which process area do you try to configure the behavior? In the one that shares its process, or in the one that uses it?
Kevin Eifinger
Apr 27 '15, 10:25 a.m.In the one that uses it