CRIGT0003E Authentication with RTC failed error

By using Gitolite integrate to RTC 4.0.7, when push in ssh communication, there was an output as below on the console of PC.
remote: remote: Changes could not be linked in RTC:
remote: remote: CRIGT0003E Authentication with RTC failed. Check the
remote: remote: username and password, or custom authentication
remote: remote:
remote: remote: The following commits were not processed:
We checked the timing when this problem happened, it sounds the error happened when the end of RTC backup, and at that time, Tomcat had stopped.
Does anyone has an experience to see this error code before? what's the reason caused this error?
Is there a possibility that the timing was bad to executed HOOK process before the JTS was started?
Any help on answering there will be much appreciated.
remote: remote: Changes could not be linked in RTC:
remote: remote: CRIGT0003E Authentication with RTC failed. Check the
remote: remote: username and password, or custom authentication
remote: remote:
remote: remote: The following commits were not processed:
We checked the timing when this problem happened, it sounds the error happened when the end of RTC backup, and at that time, Tomcat had stopped.
Does anyone has an experience to see this error code before? what's the reason caused this error?
Is there a possibility that the timing was bad to executed HOOK process before the JTS was started?
Any help on answering there will be much appreciated.