How to query DNG artifact base on its type?
Hi, how to query DNG artifact base on its type? I'm using DNG 5.0.1, while retrieving the instance shape of the artifact that I'm interested in, I don't see the attribute for type there, how can I do query to query this type of artifact?
I've read the article at, and it guide to use "rm:ofType" --> this can do the trick, but the problem is my project has only 3 artifacts and the search take ~5-10 mins to get the result.
What could be the solution for this?
I've read the article at, and it guide to use "rm:ofType" --> this can do the trick, but the problem is my project has only 3 artifacts and the search take ~5-10 mins to get the result.
What could be the solution for this?
Accepted answer
The artifact "type" is determined by its "instanceShape". And the name of the type is defined by <dc:title> in the instanceShape representation. If you would like to get it in one go, you can try the reportable REST API rather than OSLC. The URL looks like this
When doing an OSLC search, I believe it queries against the whole data set (the entire RM system), not just the project in your mind. It does not sound right for it to take so long to return values, but without proper investigation, it is almost impossible to propose any solutions for performance issues.