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RDNG - Is there a way to modify the sender for a review notification so that it looks like the e-mail was sent by the review owner?

Taly Hotimsky (2714657) | asked Apr 16 '15, 7:24 p.m.
 Feedback from user:

When system sends e-mails out [REQ], it comes as sent by rmadmin (system address). In case of artifacts review, it is better to see the automated e-mail coming as if from the artifact owner and not the system.
That helps a lot in follow-up and tracing the e-mail threads if needed.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 17 '15, 4:51 a.m.
I don't think it will work this way unless the mechanism is changed. The user does not send out the email directly. The system simply records "something to be sent", then a system account pulls the information, constructs an email, and sends it out. This is quite typical for all kinds of "machine generated notification".

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