Value set drop down not enabled for enumeration list in RTC
I have created a value set (name: Testing Environment; provider: Dependent Enumeration) for Filed Against and Testing Environments (custom attribute, Type: enumeration list).
But when I am trying to add 'Testing Environment' as a value set for my enumeration list, the option is not enabled.
Can anyone please guide me what i am doing wrong, and how to achieve dependency in Filed against enumeration and Testing Environment enumeration list?
Accepted answer
Hi Shuchita,
I think we can't set dependency for "Enumeration_List" via Dependent Enumeration Value Set Provider.
Many Thanks
I think we can't set dependency for "Enumeration_List" via Dependent Enumeration Value Set Provider.
Many Thanks
Even I feel the same. Wanted to confirm.
This seems to be the case. I'd be happy if you created an enhancement request for that.
Sure Ralph,
I will create enhancement request and update the same.
You could try to use A Java Script based provider. I think however, I tried and was not successful. I think it would definitely be possible to do using this approach though:
The effort, especially for deployment might be pretty high.
2 other answers
I suspect that you created the value set for a different enumeration. If the type selected in the value set does not match the type of the attribute, you won't see it enabled.