Is it possible to integrate Rational Team Concert with Redmine?
Accepted answer
There is no existing adapter between RTC and Redmine.
Redmine is not OSLC compliance hence you would need to wring a wrapper(OSLC consumer and/or provider) in order
to link to RTC. If you want to do that by yourself, you may refer to this discussions and see if you can find more info
If you are seeking for third party's helps, you may approach Tasktop who has provided some adapters for Jazz applications including RTC:
Redmine is not OSLC compliance hence you would need to wring a wrapper(OSLC consumer and/or provider) in order
to link to RTC. If you want to do that by yourself, you may refer to this discussions and see if you can find more info
If you are seeking for third party's helps, you may approach Tasktop who has provided some adapters for Jazz applications including RTC: