programmatically get CQ related to Test case in RQM if status is blocked
I am using web client RQM and CQ , we can create ,edit and delete using RQM .
Could some one please help me how to retrieve TER results and update test execution results and related CQ assigned using Java. I refereed to some of the blogs , but couldn't get clear picture.Is there any code samples available to go through ?
One answer
When we are failing a TC in RQM we do associate TC with a defect ID from Clear quest . I need a way to pull assigned defect id with input provided as TC id.
and is there any sample example of program related to REST API .
GET https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/service/<project area alias>/executionresult?fields=feed/entry/content/executionresult/(testcase[@href='<resourceUrl>']|*)
Note: Requires Rational Quality Manager 4.0 or later.
Paul Slauenwhite
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Mar 25 '15, 7:02 a.m.Can you expand on your requirements? I would assume the RQM Reportable REST API would work but it's not clear what you're trying to do.