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How to ensure that files are available when using RQM

Shaule Sachs (18137) | asked Mar 23 '15, 10:42 a.m.

Using Rational Functional Tester, I have set up a framework to execute test cases written in XML. This framework is under RTC 5.0.1 change management, and available as a Shared Resource.

If the framework is loaded locally, I have no idea when running from RQM 5.0.1.

But when I try to run it from Shared Resource, the isXmlValid method fails because the associated XML schema file is not loaded by RQM. I am unsure if the given test case file is available as well, since I cannot find it in the local temp repository.

Is there a way to force/ensure that a file is available when running Shared Resources?

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Mar 27 '15, 8:15 a.m.
Hi Shaule,

this isXmlValid method is part of your RFT script? If yes than the issue is with RFT adapter and not with RQM. Are you able to access that shared loaction from your machine?

Shaule Sachs commented Mar 27 '15, 9:48 a.m.

DriverClass calls XmlClass.isXmlValid with the parameters of test case and schema xml files. The two classes are two separate RFT scripts.

On the target machine, I can find DriverClass.class and XmlClass.class, but not the test case or schema xml files. All four files are a part of the shared location/resource, one can access through a development stream.

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