Team Area in Test case from RQM ExcelImporter
We can import Test Case from Excel Using ExcelImporter.As below we will write a syntax in .cfg file and map it to the column.
For Priority : testcase.priority = A
To assign Owner : testcase.jzalm:owner=B
To assign it Team Area : _____
What is the syntax for Team area to select in testcase.
One answer
Others may chime in, but as far as I know, the import utility does not support the Team Area attribute;
The current supported attributes for a Test Case is as follows
Title testcase.dc:title
Description testcase.dc:description
Estimate testcase.estimate
Locked testcase.locked
Priority testcase.priority
Owner testcase.alm:owner
Suspect testcase.suspect
Weight testcase.weight
Creation Date testcase.creationDate