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Test Suite Execution - Associate with Test Plan

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked May 29 '09, 9:12 a.m.
This functionality seems to be lacking in that I can select any test case to add to my suite, regardless of whether the test case is associate with a plan or script. In the test suite execution dialogue I can then choose to associate this suite with a plan ... however, this only returns a plan value, if one of the test cases within the suite were associated with a plan.

Shouldn't I be allowed to associate any test plan with my test suite ?

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jun 03 '09, 9:08 a.m.
If you want to list a test plan then add one of the test case in suite to test plan. If we allow any random test plan to be associated, it will affect reporting results. Moreover there will be support to add suites to test plan, I hope that will solve your problem.


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