How can I get allowed values for an RTC enumeration list attribute using web APIs
I have an 'Enumeration list' (multiple selection) field, but I cannot get the enumeration values for it.
When I get the resource shape, the field looks like:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://my.rtc:9443/ccm/oslc/context/_0u1_QV7hEeSPi_AaoZ4IKA/shapes/workitems/task/property/customMultiSelect">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:valueType rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:representation rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:readOnly rdf:datatype="">false</oslc:readOnly>
<oslc:propertyDefinition rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:occurs rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:name rdf:datatype="">customMultiSelect</oslc:name>
<dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">Custom Multi Select</dcterms:title>
Enumeration fields (single selection) also have an <oslc:allowedValues> element, that provides an enumeration that can be looked up, but enumeration lists don't seem to have this.
If I retrieve a work item, the field doesn't show up unless it has a value set, so I can't get the possible enumerations from that either.
How can I get the options for my attribute?
I have an 'Enumeration list' (multiple selection) field, but I cannot get the enumeration values for it.
When I get the resource shape, the field looks like:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="https://my.rtc:9443/ccm/oslc/context/_0u1_QV7hEeSPi_AaoZ4IKA/shapes/workitems/task/property/customMultiSelect">
<rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:valueType rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:representation rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:readOnly rdf:datatype="">false</oslc:readOnly>
<oslc:propertyDefinition rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:occurs rdf:resource=""/>
<oslc:name rdf:datatype="">customMultiSelect</oslc:name>
<dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">Custom Multi Select</dcterms:title>
Enumeration fields (single selection) also have an <oslc:allowedValues> element, that provides an enumeration that can be looked up, but enumeration lists don't seem to have this.
If I retrieve a work item, the field doesn't show up unless it has a value set, so I can't get the possible enumerations from that either.
How can I get the options for my attribute?