Illegal argument thrown when submitting new work item post via REST
I've been able to create work items through the OSLC REST API but I've started getting Illegal argument errors whenever I try to submit a dateTime field.
This is the line that is breaking on me:
<rtc_ext:project_end_date rdf:datatype=\"\">${end_date}</rtc_ext:project_end_date>
I've used 12/34/56, 12-34-56, and 12-34-56T7:89:01 as formats, but that hasn't solved this issue.
I strip the line out, I can create a new work item with the script just fine. Why will this line not execute?
One answer ?
None of the patterns there match; most have yyyy-mm-ddRHH:MM:SS
not to mention :89: as minute is invalid ( if your example is literal )