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Is it possible to exclude archived members and unassigned tasks from taskboard plan view?

Ina Pick (815) | asked Feb 03 '15, 9:13 a.m.
I am working with taskboard plan view, grouped by members:

1. I would like to exclude the archived members from the plan view
I tried using exclude>>expression>>owner name but its not working

2. Is there an option to exclude all unassigned tasks as well?


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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Feb 03 '15, 10:38 p.m.
what version of RTC do you use?
you may try to
1) activate the Exclude filter for "Empty Groups"
2) try to exclude the individual user from the plan view:
1. Next to the View As dropdown, select the pen icon and "Edit Taskboard"
2. Add (More) a new Exclude filter for Expression. As the expression you
will have to name:
owner:"<full name>"
owner:"John Smith"
If you apply both these Exclude filters, are you able to achieve what you want?

Ina Pick commented Feb 04 '15, 1:36 a.m. | edited Feb 04 '15, 1:39 a.m.

Thank You Don

I applied your the suggested exclude filters and its exactly what I needed

Thanks !

Don Yang commented Feb 04 '15, 1:40 a.m.

Thanks Ina for the result and happy to know it works for you.
Based on your test, I converted my comments to answer now so that this post can be closed. Thanks

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